While I do eat a good variation of nutritious foods, I still do believe in giving my body all the best conditions for building muscles and coping with our long and hard workout sessions. So that's why I decided to splurge on some nice supplements to give me a bit of an extra kick!
I use VEGA's Sport-line of drink mixes. Before practice I use the Pre-Workout Energizer, during the training I use the electrolyte hydrator in my water bottle and after I gulp down the Recovery Accelerator.
Right off the first time I used them I noticed that the hydrator (or pink water as I call it) really did its thing; I didn't feel as perched after our 5 minute-full speed-spurts.

A few weeks in now, I gotta say that the Recovery drink must be doing its job as well, cause I feel like I get less of the achey thighs and cafs I used to get. But that could just be due to my muscles getting toned (or placebo effect).

As far as the flavors go, I do like the Pre-Workout Energizer (Acai Berry) but the Recovery Drink (Apple Berry) tastes nothing like any apple or berry I ever had! It's a weird sickly sweet flavor, but it's drinkable. I have had worse.

When it comes to the Electrolyte Hydrator I dilute it way more than the packaging recommends (since I blend it in to my drinking water) so I can't really say much about the flavor as it was intended. But the way I drink it it's really good. A subtle hint of raspberry is A-OK when you feel like you want to lick your own sweat of for hydration!
I bought them all from
AmlaBerry, and they ship all over Europe at a pretty low cost!
Also, I've incorporated a new meal-plan for practice days. I load up with grains, potatoes or pasta durin my lunch at work, and two hours before practice I eat some nice raw food with lots of fruits and veggies and have a fruit smoothie. After practice I get some nice whole-grain sandwiches with tofurky, seitan sausage, tartex spread, sprouts etc... and drink some juice and some nice green tea. My tummy does feel a tad bit heavier going in to practice, but I can go longer and harder than when I did my all-raw days!
Now I'm off to prepare my evil pop-quiz for tonights practice! Mwahahaha
Bra tips! Har börjat fundera över sportdryck på de extra långa träningarna så käckt att få veta att Vega har sådant, trodde bara de hade smoothiestuff!
SvaraRaderaDen drickan man ska ha under tiden på träningarna är nice. Jag blir inte så hysteriskt törstig längre. Men efterdrickan är nog den jag aldrig skulle gå utan. Det + hampaliniment har gjort att jag får nästan noll träningsvärk
RaderaYup, beställde den, i limesmak! Hampaliniment? Själv använder jag tigerbalsam och det fungerar bra. Gillar på något sätt att ha träningsvärk dock, som en bekräftelse på att jag arbetat hårt :)