torsdag 3 maj 2012

I got tagged!

So SwedeHurt tagged me, and I don't really have anything better to do so here goes:

Who inspires you the most? Hmn, I don't think I could come up with just one single person. Lots of people inspire me in different ways. My aunt has always been in inspiration to me cause she always seemed to go her own way, and she's always happy. I'm inspired by anyone who fights the good fight and touches my heart! 
What is the wildest thing you have done? Depends on your definition of wild. I've bungee-jumped, and that was hella fun. And I've used a forklift to put a coworkers car on a roof just to mess with him. 
Relationship to rollerderby/rollerskating? Obsessed! I want to skate all the time, I ignore my injuries and neglect a a lot of other things just to get to skate. I love learning new things and the thing with derby is that there's always someone who can teach you something new, and there's always room for improvement! I love that, it keeps me dedicated!
What about kids? Naaaah... I prefer my bunnies. I just don't feel like I have time and I have a serious hard time with poop and vomit and stuff. And being pregnant seems like a bloody hassle. Eeek. No, I might adopt some day. Lots of abandoned kids need parents!
Love or money? Love. I've been broke and in a loving relationship and well payed in terrible relationship. Money can't buy love. Money can't buy friendship. 
City or mountains? Mountains. I enjoy visiting cities, but they drain me of all my energy. I want to live in the countryside, preferably near mountains and/or water. I went to the Norwegian fjords a few years ago and I honestly did not want to leave. 
Future goals? Bringing my team forward and get bouting, being the best skater I can be, moving to a nicer place outside of town and perhaps moving to Canada (when I can convince Niklas that Ontario is the place to be). 

- Each tagged person must answer the 7 questions given to them by their "tagger” and post it on their blog.- Then, choose 7 new people to tag and link them in your post.- Create 7 new questions for the people you tag to answer.- Go to their page and tell them they’ve been tagged!
- Do not tag back to the person who has already tagged you.

My questions for you:
If you could only listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?
What is your no1 pet peeve?
What do you put in a smoothie?
If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Pink or Black?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
If you could travel anywhere in the world for free, where would you go?

Consider yourself tagged:: 


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